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Have you found the Citation Wizard to be helpful in preparing your works cited or bibliography page? Did we save you loads of time since you didn't have to consult various manuals and books on how to cite in MLA format? Are you an instructor who thinks this is a handy tool that will be helpful to his or her students? If you fall into these three categories, or for any other reason you enjoy this site, then please link to us!

What is linking you may ask? To link to a site is to put a little text or picture ad on your own web page that when a user clicks on it, they will be able to visit our site. It's a way of allowing others to share in the good experience you had when you used the Citation Wizard. It's also helpful to us, as it gets the word out there about our wizard. In addition, it let's us know who is using our wizard out there, so we can fine tune the utility for our audience. Please consider linking to us using one of the options below, or through one of your own. We'll appreciate it!

1. Button link (preferred method):

Citation Wizard

Copy and paste the following HTML code into your web page:

2. Descriptive link :

Citation Wizard - A free tool to automatically generate works cited or bibliography entries.

Copy and paste the following HTML code into your web page:
<a href="">Citation 
Wizard</a> - A free tool to automatically
generate  works cited or bibliography entries.

3. Text link :

Citation Wizard

Copy and paste the following HTML code into your web page:
<a href="">Citation Wizard</a>

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