Citation Wizard

Citation Wizard

Works cited wizard / bibliography wizard using the MLA style guide for citations. Don't need to know how to do it, we do it for you!

Created by: Jim Sarkis
2005 Edition ~ Updated: August 23, 2004

elcome to the Citation Wizard! This site will assist you in preparing a works cited and bibliography page for your research reports. The format of this site is easy to follow. Simply use the navigation buttons to the left of this text to find the type of work you are trying to cite. Click on the button and follow the easy instructions, inputting the information you will be asked. After you are done, click on the "CITE" button and the screen will display the proper MLA format for citing the item you were trying to cite. Simply copy the citation into a Microsoft Word or other writing program and paste. Below are descriptions of what you'll find when you click on a particular button on the left, if you are uncertain of where to find what you want to cite. This site has been thoroughly tested to find and correct any errors, but we can not gaurantee that there are none. If you find one, please notify me as soon as possible.

What's In Each Section:
  1. A book by one author
  2. A book by two authors
  3. A book by three authors
  4. A book by four or more authors
  5. A book by a corporate author
  6. A book by an anonymous author
  7. A book with an editor
  8. A book with more than one editor
  9. A book by an author and an editor
  10. An anthology
  11. A work in an anthology
  12. A multi-volume work
  13. An edition other than the first
  14. A republished book
  15. A signed article in a reference book
  16. An unsigned article in a reference book
  17. Book published prior to 1900
  18. A translation

  1. Signed article from daily newspaper
  2. Unsigned article from daily newspaper
  3. Article from monthly/bimonthly magazine
  4. Article from weekly/biweekly magazine
  5. An editorial

Electronic Sources
  1. Single web page from an online site
  2. Entire online project or site
  3. Online periodical
  4. E-Mail
  5. CD-ROM nonperiodical publication
  6. Online book
  7. SIRS Database article
  8. Proquest Database article

Misc. Sources
  1. A government document
  2. Published proceedings of a conference
  3. An unpublished dissertation
  4. A published dissertation
  5. Film
  6. Map
  7. Telephone/Personal Interviews
  8. Lecture, Speech, Address

Problems, Comments, Suggestions?

© 2004 JimWare Inc (A non-profit organization). All Rights Reserved. Any illegal copying, editing, or distribution of the scripts on this site without the permission of its creator is forbidden, and will be punished to the fullest extent of the law. This site is meant to be a tool to check your work, which you have already done, NOT to do the work for you. If you're that lazy and pathetic, you deserve to fail. If you're using this site for its intended purpose, please enjoy our product.

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